Double Chimney Bypass

A Variation Of The Grand Teton's Owen-Spalding Route

A few trip reports for April through October

July 17th, 2016 (UXM) PNG Variation 
Overview - Upper Exum
Overview - Owen-Spalding
Detailed Look At Specific Route Features

All images may be used without permission or attribution for all not-for-profit purposes.

 You can see the bypass just to the NE of the DC
It is harder than the DC

See climber at center-right near top half of photo

Climbers on the bypass

In this picture the female lead turns back to go up the crack by her partner  - see below

 Climber in blue is at the bottom of the Owen Chimney

The climber in red is at the exit from the DCB but contemplating a crack on the north side of the Owen before deciding to take the Owen Chimney.

Exiting the Bypass

At the top of this rock band (out of the shadow) is the slabby area that climbers ascend after exiting the Double Chimney. The slabby area sits between the Owen Chimney & the DC. And it's to the south of the DC Bypass.

Here you can see the slabby area above the DC Bypass. The sun is shining on it.

The far eastern side of the DC Bypass. It's one exit variation.

 Enjoy Safe Climbing